3 Gifts for Everyone
Shopping for teachers, coworkers and caregivers can be tricky. We've put together our five favorites that are bound to please everyone on your list.
1. Hot Honey Gift Set
Red Clay’s hot honeys are delicious on everything including pizza, soup, chicken, roasted veggies, and more. Gift this set and the recipient will thank you for their newfound hot honey addiction.
2. Handmade Pottery
Handmade pottery, like this Etsy artist Clarity Through Clay, has such a personal feel to it. A small bowl or dish can be used for nuts or candy, as a trinket dish, fruit bowl, key dish, or bedside catchall.
3. Perch by Bagnet
When it comes to keeping your bag off the floor, Perch keeps their bag close by on non-metal horizontal surfaces, like wood tables and bars, and aluminum handles that aren't magnetic. Pair the Perch with a Bagnet for the ultimate gift this season.
Kelley's Loving It Shop
Check out the products Kelley can't live without this season!